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About the Morrone 9/11 Center

Our Mission and Vision

After the 9/11 event, many governments and police jurisdictions were devastated, not only in the United States, but around the world.  Before and after that event we have all learned and come to understand that rethinking security was a must.  Since then billions of dollars and methods of security have been reevaluated.  We continue this process reviewing each event.


A year later at the 9/11 Memorial held by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where our Morrone and his fallen officers were honored it was agreed to honor Superintendent Morrone's innovative ideas and training programs.  


Morrone as the executive vice president and incoming president of the board of the INTERPORTPOLICE, had planned many concrete programs as he was to assume the two year post of being the president of the board.


A decision was made to make the Morrone 9/11 Center for Counterterrorism and Security a 501c3 research and education program to support these efforts; and so we begin to raise funds to support activities of the 9/11 Center.  We hope you will support these efforts.

Honoring our Officers

In 2007 we began our Medal program by establishing the Fred V. Morrone 9/11 Memorial Award; It is our desire to reestablish an annual gala to present the Morrone 9/11 Award in New York City each year to a deserving individual who has made the world a safer place fighting terrorism.







37 Stars circle the date 9/11 in tribute

to our friend and colleague Fred V. Morrone, his officers and those of the New York Police Department; and to all of those who have fallen since from the activities of that day.  And we honor those have distinguished themselves in the continued fight against terrorism and terrorist activities; and to those who work to make the world a safer place.

In 2012 this was expanded to honor our police and public safety officers, with the International Police and Public Safety 9/11 Medal.  The initial 9/11 Medals went to the Port Authority Police Department and New York Police Department's officers who perished on September 11, 2001.  Subsequently, we now bestow each year the IPM 9/11 Medal for extraordinary and distinguished officers and officials at a 9/11 Medal Ceremony held at the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) the Friday before opening ceremonies each year.

The 9/11 Medal is awarded in three categories  IPM 9/11 Medal for Herorism, IPM 9/11 Medal for distinguished work in eleven categories; all recipients are bestowed the use of the designation IPM; and the 9/11 Commendation Medal for leadership with the designation IPMc.

We are also awarding the 9/11 Transportation Security Enterprise Award to deserving commercial companies who have developed equipment and technology that assists the human element in fighting serious crime such as terrorism.   The first awards were given to 15 companies in 2015 at Chicago's IACP conference.

It is our desire to reestablish an annual gala to present the Morrone 9/11 Award in New York City each year to a deserving individual who has made the world a safer place fighting terrorism.


Our work in counterterrorism and transnational serious crime is extensive.  We look to expand these efforts and continue new initiatives as needed.  Some of the work includes:

  • IMO and ICAO  - United Nation Standards Organizations - other operational activities

  • Project Griffin International - CT community policing environment program

  • Train the trainer for counterterrorism

  • Communication: collaboration, mass reporting and notification & interoperability 

  • Airport and Seaport counterterrorism and security working groups

    • Incident go team​

    • Lessons learned

    • Advisories and best practices 

  • Crime Stoppers - incident reporting

  • Liaison with International police agencies

  • Intelligence reports, and white papers 

We look forward to expanding our capabilities, remembering those who fight everyday for us, and making the world a safer place for all of us

Sgt.Dic Donahue, center, recipient of IPM 9/11 Medal w/valor for his part in the Boston Marathon incident.

Erik Ronningen, at a 9/11 Ceremony, describes his day on Spetember 1, 2001 when he ends up being the last person to get out of the South World Trade Tower alive.  The author of "From The Inside Out".

Research   -   Education   -   Recognition
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